Equation 379 : Twilight ii
Twilight. 💞 Feeling lost, Lost in between the dawn and dusk, The sun come arise along the spark of daylight, Could the yesterdag ever be forsee of what, What would come in the future time where tomorrow, Tomorrow were left untold, It was left to be unspoken. In a distance, In between the streak of life and dream, Who's words it could still be, Be heard even though thou's exsistsnce, Are no longer there, No longer here, As it couldn't be seen, Not anywhere, Anymore. Through the darkness, The night falls once more, In between the dusk, And the darker stage of the twilight somehow allign, Your shadow could still be seen right there, In the darkness when tomorrow would falls again, Your exsistsnce would forever be here, Right by my side... ©Scarlet Storm.