Equation 376 : Astray



The feeling that once felt,

Felt in the now so numb heart,

It was a. Feeling,

A sensation that was carved for,

Dwelling the heart that waited,

Waited for too long somehow,

With those sign that waa given,

But how broken was the feeling,

As all it somehow seen,

But bluntly mutated in between,

In between excitement and honour,

The emotion was somehow unseen

The moment that were so close,

Barely intimate,


The feeling that was still hidden behind,

Those hay that couldn't ever be portrayed.

Those years had pass,

Still waiting even though until today,

Where would a person stand,

Inbetween who she is ans 

And who he had become today,

He's no longer the person that she,

That she knew once before,

With only words that was written,

Written in a blank sheet of paper,

Eventhough he knew it was only for him,

But she guess perhaps they weren't meant,

Theybbwarent meant to be,

Until today,

How she'd hope that the feeling,

The feeling,

It would fade away 

But could it even go ashtray??

© Scarlet Storm 2024.



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