Equation 86 : Forgiven.

Through the darkest path,
Was only seen,
A crescent light
Of a moon,
That was dim at night.

Compelling faith,
To shield a life,
Wounds that once were healed,
From hopes that could be,
It was torn apart.

As time passed,
Tears were fallen,
On the  earth that was decent,
Would sins were be forgotten,
Would it might even be forgiven.

A swollen heart,
Perishing a soul,
That was reaching out to be living,
Slowly at the end a life,
It was just left there,

How a living life that has lost,
Too much faith, It’s dignity,
A loving touch, an everlasting smile,
An only love for you,
Shades on the earth that were still standing,
That life is no longer left breathing.

( c ) Kytty / Scarlet Storm 2014


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