Equation 173 : Unidentified

Through the stormy night,
Alongside those lightning strikes,
Will there even be faith,
Faith that for grown in the struggle,
The struggle that foresee the matters,
That somehow shattered,
In the eyes of those who were left neglected,
In the heart of the unidentified,
A stranger as the night began for collapse,
Collapse against another day that will began tomorrow,
A phantom of light that could never be held close,
The wittered hollow as it was now,
Befallen on the ground as the echoes of you,
It was still searching for a melody,
That somehow has deceit it’s faith that before,
Has been swollen by the dark cold ground,
Will the heart that somehow encrypt,
Be bound together,
Or will it still be just the shadow,
That only appeared when thou heart,
Needed to be not here anymore,
Needed to be not sanctify at all,
Through the infinite boundaries of life...

(c) Scarlet Storm 2015


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