Equation 348 : Scars.

How you'd wish that the love you feel,
You feel in your heart,
It would last forever,
It would last a life time,
But how can it would ever mean,
Mean a single thing,
Apart from only scars,
Scars that would be left still bleeding,
When all you wish for you're the first one,
The first one at least to be,
To be in another person's heart,
How can you ever fight,
Fight along the way when you know,
Know that the consequences to ever,
Ever fall in love again,
It would eventually make you smile,
Or even tear your heart apart once again,
Leaving you with those freshly torn bruises,
You hold yourself to stand strong,
Be strong along the way,
But somehow you fall down along the way,
Falls down and not sure if you're still breathing,
Only left with smile,
Laughter to erase the pain,
The suffer that was on the bare surface of life,
Letting only a heart knowing,
Even if a smile still curve on this lips that are parted apart,
Let alone the heart keep on tearing apart,
Let alone those those scars keep on bleeding,
Just for the sake of fear to ever falling in love,
It takes over a life,
Letting it die and drown,
Hoping for it to be,
For one last time.

© Scarlet Storm 2019


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