Thursday 3 January 2019

Equation 330 : Who U R?

It's fifteen minute to one in the morning,
Right now,
I sat alone in my room,
Reading what's left I can read before I know,
The time is already to late for me to be staying awake,
I pulled up the blanket to cover up my body,
My body that was slightly shivering cold,
So cold from the weather that's somehow unknown,
I inhaled a deep breath as I tried to close my eyes,
At first I thought I couldn't,
But as I could,
My mind, my brain,
It started to drifted apart,
The curiosity of who you are,
The question kept on asking over and over again,
Somehow at the end,
I wonder will I ever give in,
Never to think again,
At the end,
I inhaled a deep breath as I tried not to think anymore,
Perhaps I know who you are in the actual world,
But who you really are in another life,
I don't even know who you really are...

(c) Scarlet Storm 2019

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